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32 Grammar Rules That Many People Fail To Use Correctly, As Pointed Out By Members Of This Online Group

Isn’t it weird that humans learn how to use language to communicate with others without needing to put in that much effort? But if we want to write and read or to perfect it and make our linguistic abilities more sophisticated, we need to actually study the language. Despite starting strong and already being able to talk and understand others in childhood, we spend years learning our languages at school, but in the end, not everyone manages to acquire it completely.

Those who are more receptive to languages often get irritated by the mistakes other people make in spoken or written language. It really shows in a Reddit thread where a person asked “What is something that most people don’t use correctly?” and half of the answers consisted of people naming misused words and grammar errors others make.

Image credits: Martha Soukup

More info: Reddit

Incredibly: should’ve. I’ve seen a ton of people write “should of” when they mean should’ve (as in should have) and in my opinion that’s worse than confusing “then/than”.

d**klong25 Report

The phrase “I couldn’t care less”

Most Americans I’ve heard say, “I could care less”. Like cmon you’re using that all wrong!!

Ok_Party8053 Report

The they’re/there/their and to/too/two. It’s a pet peeve of mine when people say “This is to boring.” In any situation when they use the wrong “to.” My mates had taken University-level English classes in highschool yet they still make the “there” or “to” mistakes, and it makes my blood boil.

Neollia10 Report

Less vs. fewer. Less is for uncountable nouns: you have less time, less pain, less work to do. Fewer is for countable nouns: you have fewer apples, fewer cans of soup, fewer distractions. People usually use less when they should use fewer; it rarely happens the other way around. People will say “there are less cars on the road,” but they probably won’t say “there is fewer traffic.” There is a related problem with much vs. many. To be fair, what is countable and uncountable can get complicated, and it’s easy to make mistakes (I do it too). You can’t have fewer money, you can only have fewer dollars and cents (money, amusingly, is uncountable). You can’t have fewer pizza, but you can have fewer pizzas (pluralization of something uncountable makes it countable).

Cdesese Report

“Anyways” the correct word is “anyway”. Anyway already denotes any possible way. Adding an S does nothing other than show your ignorance.

SyxEight Report

grumpyoldmanBrad said:

Daddict replied:
It’s so easy.

Affect is a verb. Except when it’s a noun.

Effect is a noun. Except when it’s a verb.

No idea why people mix these up.

grumpyoldmanBrad Report


If you participated in something you were “a part” of it. If you are “apart” from something or someone you are deliberately not a part.

sheinvitedthewildin Report

Same with saying “payed” instead of “paid”. This one drives me insane the most.

D3ATHfromAB0V3x Report

breath, breathe, and breathing. Makes me wanna kill someone more than I already do.

C0deMasterYT Report

Barley when they mean barely. That one grinds my gears.

Sss00099 Report

People say: You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

The traditional correct phrase is: You can’t eat your cake and have it too.

Nowadays the two ways of saying it are pretty much used interchangeably.

Legal-Knievel Report

AtomBombBaby42042 said:

smooshf**kie replied:
Right! But people don’t get man/men wrong.

Why is it that people can tell the difference between man/men but not woman/women?

AtomBombBaby42042 Report

“Begs the question”

It doesn’t mean to raise the question.

It’s a form of circular reasoning where the argument requires the conclusion to be true, rather than the argument supporting the conclusion.

DJPho3nix Report

Lately, more and more people are pronouncing the word “theater” as if it only has two syllables, and rhymes with “sweeter.”

ZorroMeansFox Report