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Entitled Mom Demands A Refund On This Artist’s Work That Her Daughter Commissioned Because It’s ‘Sinful’

We at Bored Panda have seen our fair share of choosing beggars. And then some. But this case is something else.

Just a few days ago, Redditor u/dippdot shared a conversation he had with a very obnoxious lady, and it has to be one of the funniest examples of how ridiculous these people can be.

Not only did the woman demand a refund for an artwork she failed to prove even existed, she thought u/dippdot had to repent for their “demonic” drawings!

Image credits: dippdot

Since the rules of r/ChoosingBeggars prohibit u/dippdot from revealing the identity of the person who contacted them, the artist said she “was an older lady working with a coffee brand who had 300+ followers.”

The Redditor added that she mostly posted selfies of herself with some coffee brands and Jesus quotes.

As my colleague Jonas pointed out in one of his pieces, feeling special and entitled is perfectly natural when you’re just a child: kids think that they’re the center of the world and it’s what psychologists refer to as healthy narcissism. However, during the later stages of a person’s psychological and emotional development, they eventually need to grow out of it and learn to respect others and what they want, too.

According to psychotherapist and psychoanalyst F. Diane Barth, L.C.S.W, who has a private practice in New York City, a small amount of entitlement can be good for adults as well. There’s nothing wrong, for example, with believing that we have the right to be respected by others and that we have the right to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. But this doesn’t extend to situations where our actions benefit us at the cost of hurting those around us.

Author Len Cristobal thinks one of the reasons why creative work is often undervalued rises from distance.

“People rarely see artists, their sleeves rolled up and hunched over a desk, studying various elements of design, principles, software, methods, materials, trends, histories, and relevant industries in order to hone their craft, find opportunities where their skill set is needed, and produce sensible artwork,” she wrote. “There are people who believe that artists deserve low pay because their work does not require technical skills — as if art is produced solely by impulse, vanity, or some internal dissonance.”

That may be true sometimes. But this time, I think it’s just ignorance. I don’t want to sound judgmental. But you read the exchange.

People thought the conversation was absolutely hilarious